الأربعاء، 25 مارس 2015

رسالة من جمعية الانترنت الهندية

Best Regards,

Krishna Kumar 
Secretary - Internet Society India Chennai 
Mail: krznakumar@gmail.com
Mobile: +91 97905 23076
Skype: rkrzna

On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 3:10 PM, srajukanumuri wrote:
Dear Members ,

   One option we can have as all ISOC global chapters members or ISOC , internet policy board can have common letter addressed to Indian PM, HMO and supreme court Judges who are dealing this case. International human rights can also
address this issue.  THE TSHWANE PRINCIPLES : GLOBAL PRINCIPLES ON NATIONAL SECURITY AND THE RIGHT TO INFORMATION addressed this issue. During IGF and Netmundial we must address this issue as serious matter for all open
internet citizens of world. Under ISOC , Internet policy or IGF if we create a global team or List serve to help citizens of world
who are facing problems with lousy laws. 

Kanumuri s raju

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